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Self-Help Tool-Kits


A collection of resources for students looking for advice, coping strategies or tools for self-development.


 Although self-help resources cannot replace the specialized training of a mental health professional, they can be of value in times when access to a counsellor or psychologist is not readily available or can be used to support the work of therapy. 

Self-Help Materials

The official UCS website with a selection of infographics, videos and other materials on various mental health topics.

A leading website frequently used by psychotherapists with free worksheets on depression, anxiety, self-esteem, procrastination, perfectionism and much more. 

An online resource for information on mental illness, coping strategies and overall wellbeing.


Created by the Department of Medicine at the University of Michigan, a depression tool kit for individuals with mood disorders at any stage of their diagnosis: from self-assessment to therapy and finally maintaining your mental wellbeing.

Online Support Communities

Being a member of an online community is a great way to connect with individuals who might be going through similar experiences as you, share resources and stories, and meet new people. In addition, some online support websites offer 24hr chat lines run licensed psychologists - free of charges. Here is a list of our favourite mental health support communities:

Mental Health & Self-Improvement Apps

LGTBQ Resources

Self-care apps can help increase once confidence and boost one’s attitudes, behaviours and beliefs. They can make us feel more in control of our mental health, especially during uncertain times. Here is a list of our favourite apps:

“This app uses scientifically based strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to teach you how to relax, be mindful and develop more effective ways of thinking.”

This app allows you better understand your anxiety, monitor your anxious thoughts and behaviour overtime and offers exercises to manage your symptoms.

Download this journal app for self-reflect to change your outlook on life and improving your mood.

A personalized, guided meditation app which offers meditation techniques depending on your mood. 


Here is our list of the best mental health podcasts for a variety of mental health needs, whether you want advice or lots of laugh:

A funny take on mental illness with personal anecdotes from celebrities and noted figures on their own personal experiences with mental illness and trauma. 

With a focus on depression, this podcast explores the different faces of clinical depression and emphasis on how the condition can look different for everyone and coping strategies. This podcast is great for anyone who is struggling or knows someone with depression.

This podcast created by a psychologist offers mental health resources and advice for personal development for Black women and beyond. 

Stay tuned for more resources soon :)


Created by Magdalena Lorkowska (2020, 2021), Sonali Sharma (2021, 2022)

Contributions by Dr Magdalena Lazarewicz & PSYCHE 

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