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To MUW LGBTQIA+ community,


First and most important thing you should know - you're important, no matter what is your identity- it is ok, what kind of romantic and sexual relationships you want to create - it's ok, as long as it doesn't hurt participants of this relation. 


You can feel confused, hesitate, feel lost and anxious. It is hard to discover ourselves. We're all people and this is the only thing that matters. I want to let you know that you're not alone! Most of us went through pretty tough and confusing periods, we had ups and downs, moments of euphory and sadness. 


Please, If you want to talk, to be heard - don't hesitate - you can contact me or other people from PSYCHE MUW via an anonymous live chat, email or in other ways. We're here to support each other. Your choices are ok, it is your life, your body, your relationships. If you want just to be heard or if you need some other kind of support - we're here for you. 


Maybe you don't see that but there are many people from LGBTQIA+ community among MUW students, lecturers, doctors. Many of us don't hide, we're just like other people, living our lives, running our careers. 

Stay well,



Websites worth visiting: 


Created by Magdalena Lorkowska (2020, 2021), Sonali Sharma (2021, 2022)

Contributions by Dr Magdalena Lazarewicz & PSYCHE 

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