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Wellness Challenge 12: Let’s start cooking!

When you're having a bad day, science says you shouldn't automatically collapse on the couch; it might be a better idea to break out the recipe books. The emotional benefits of cooking are myriad; many programs around the world help people with mood disorders and other issues get into the kitchen as part of their treatment, a practice known as "therapeutic cooking." And it's something you can replicate in your own home, with a bit of effort and an ingredient or two.

Counselor Nicole Lambert of Movement Counseling Services tells Bustle, "Cooking helps mental health in that it can be a creative outlet. It's a way to channel energy, can be used as a distraction, help build mastery in a skill, and a way to express emotions through a different medium."

Of course, like exercise, just because cooking can be helpful for mental health doesn’t make it easier to accomplish. Certain mood disorders, such as depression can lower your energy levels and appetite, making it more difficult to convince yourself to cook. But studies have shown that, for many people, mental health benefits ensue when the oven gloves come out, even if the result is something simple. And the effects are particularly enhanced if you're cooking not just for yourself, but for others, too.

For more information on the mental health benefits of cooking, check out this link below!

7 Emotional Benefits of Cooking That’ll Make You Want To Actually Use Your Kitchen

Now get to your kitchens and prepare something nice for you or your loved ones, and share it with all of us here! :)

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Created by Magdalena Lorkowska (2020, 2021), Sonali Sharma (2021, 2022)

Contributions by Dr Magdalena Lazarewicz & PSYCHE 

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